· FFAALogoWorkinProgress

Customer: Btinkeeng - Digital Innovators
Project: Branding

´cambiamento digitale al servizio della tua impresa´


Btinkeeng wants to create a non-profit organization which deals mostly with the historical-anthropological, economic and digital aspects of labour, focusing on formation, mobility, sustainability and tourism. The name of this organization will be Work in Progress.

Promoting the discussion on the future of work, whilst considering the challenges tied to sustainability, the shift in lifestyles, the constant skill shortage, the changes in typical professional career. It organizes thematic comparison meetings, workdesks for the resolution of the previously mentioned problems and workshops aimed at learning new-age jobs. 

They need a logo and a corporate identity (letterhead, PowerPoint template) to start using them in events as the futurefestivaldeinuovilavori.it.

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· FFAAfirstpageWIP
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That’s all folks.
Let’s work together.
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